5 Things to Consider Before Joining a Group Fitness Program

Fitness is an aspect of life that should never be overlooked. In fact, if you're thinking about your future, it should be close to the number one priority. What fitness offers is two simple things: physical and mental health. Going through a tough, painful workout each and every day gradually brings out a better you. If you're committed this will start to add up, and you'll feel younger as you start to age. The mental aspect is even more impactful. Fitness brings a meditative quality to your life. You'll feel empowered, confident, and motivated to take on tasks outside of the fitness world from what you learned during your workouts. It's a tool that can be applied to anything in life.

As good as it sounds, the fitness life is simple, but not easy. Consistent focus is required to maintain your attitude, but sometimes it isn't enough. This is where a group fitness program can help. Fitness programs are a community-based activity that brings like-minded people together to help push each other to the next level. It uses the power of association to attack individual goals. The benefits are unmatched. But, before you dive headfirst into a fitness program, there are some things you need to look out for. Here are 5 things to think about before joining your next group fitness program.

1. Who is Leading the Program?

One of the very first things you should be looking for when you're on the website of the gym is the trainers. You should be able to find an "About Us" page that shows who will be leading the program. It could be more than one person, but the main thing to consider is the credentials of the trainers. Have they led multiple programs in the past? How much experience do they have training at gyms? These are the things you need to look for in their descriptions. Also, this isn't common in many gyms, but if the lead trainer or any of the trainers are overweight, don't join the gym. If a trainer is incapable of helping themselves, then don't expect them to be able to help you.

2. Are You Comfortable with People?

A group fitness program is going to have at least 10 to 30 people. If you're not comfortable exercising with a large group, then this isn't for you. There are, however, many benefits when working out with people. Pushing yourself will be much easier since there literally will be a support group, striving for the same or similar goals, as yourself. You will also hold a small type of responsibility for helping others, but expect the same to be done for you. If you are comfortable with people but lack motivation then a group fitness program is ideal for you. You will grow together with others and that growth can spread throughout the group pushing everyone forward. This is why group fitness programs are so effective. It just takes one motivator to push the entire group to the next level. (This is why the lead trainer's attitude and motivation matters so much)

3. Find Reviews

Finding reviews from people who already experienced a group fitness program should help give you insight on what to expect. Look for any reviews, whether it's from word of mouth, or more likely, through the internet, as a means to examine its worth. Reviews that are thorough and explain every detail of the program aren't necessary. But, you need to see how others felt about the fitness program. Did they enjoy the entire month? Were the trainers less motivated by the end of the program? How many people are usually there? These are questions that you won't find anywhere else except from the reviews of others who went through what you're considering.

4. How Much Does It Cost?

For a high-class or effective group fitness program, don't expect anything cheap. But, don't expect to spend your entire paycheck either. Cost really depends on how much you're willing to put into it. This is one of the final things to consider as once you understand the trainers, reviews, and your own mindset; you will be able to justify any price of a fitness program. All things considered, improving your life shouldn't have an attached price tag to it. If you're confident that a fitness program can change your lifestyle, then go for it. Consider the price after you have reaped the rewards.

5. Sign Up for a Trial Class

In the moments coming up before you sign a contract to join a new group fitness program, go for a trial class. Most gym's offer a trial class to help you get the feel for how the program will go. Go out to your local gym and try free classes that are offered. This is mandatory, especially if you're considering paying for a class. If there are multiple classes, try them! See the ones that are right for you and as you try more classes you'll be able to get a feel for which trainers, trainees, and programs are fit for you. At Iconic Fitness, we offer many different group fitness classes taught by professional, certified and motivated trainers! If you want to sign up for a trial class, contact us and find out which group fitness program is right for you!


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