
Tips & Tricks to Start A Successful Weight Loss Training Program

In UAE, taking control of your weight is an important and often daunting process. According to a recent study, 70% of UAE men and 67% of UAE women aged 15+ are considered overweight, which means starting a weight loss program for beginners is an important step in curbing continued weight gain.    The path to getting fit and healthy can be intimidating—especially when working alongside people who have already hit or exceeded their weight-loss goals. But fortunately for beginners, starting is often the hardest part throughout the whole process. Once you start seeing the benefits, which extend far beyond physical appearance, finding the motivation to do better and grow stronger becomes a simple routine. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will see results and ultimately change your life. Here are a few tips to getting started and staying motivated through your weight loss training plan.   Start slow One of the main reasons people quick weight loss training programs

5 Things to Consider Before Joining a Group Fitness Program

Fitness is an aspect of life that should never be overlooked. In fact, if you're thinking about your future, it should be close to the number one priority. What fitness offers is two simple things: physical and mental health. Going through a tough, painful workout each and every day gradually brings out a better you. If you're committed this will start to add up, and you'll feel younger as you start to age. The mental aspect is even more impactful. Fitness brings a meditative quality to your life. You'll feel empowered, confident, and motivated to take on tasks outside of the fitness world from what you learned during your workouts. It's a tool that can be applied to anything in life. As good as it sounds, the fitness life is simple, but not easy. Consistent focus is required to maintain your attitude, but sometimes it isn't enough. This is where a group fitness program can help. Fitness programs are a community-based activity that brings like-minded peop

Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts About Cardio Fitness Training

"Cardio" is a term that gets thrown around a lot whenever the topic of weight loss comes up. But cardio has more than just weight loss benefits. Cardio fitness helps circulate your blood, and research has shown that regular cardio exercise can actually slow down the aging process for certain cells in your body. Cardio also releases endorphins, which can help with stress relief and even help you sleep better at night. Intrigued but still a little scared about how to jump into a cardio program? Here are a few things you need to know to eliminate your fears and doubts about cardio fitness training: It's not just about the treadmill Logging miles on the treadmill isn't fun for anyone, but the great news is that you don't have to be chained to a machine to get cardio. Any movement that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing is cardio. That includes things like swimming, riding your bike, walking, jumping rope, and dancing. Playing at the park with your k